As a lot of my direction is derived from graffiti my signature holds great weight. In many cases the signature is the body of the piece. The date is particularly important as I create new stylized versions of marking the year on a piece to reflect the new development of my artistic character (notably as “'20” or “‘'22” for 2020 and 2022 and etc). As I primarily started in 2019, through 2020, 2022, and 2023 the number “2” has been the number I’ve grown most familiar with. Through various perspectives it has remained constant, creating a through-line for my entire character thus far- Given I worked minimally in 2019 and didn’t yet put much consideration into what I was making. At a point in 2022 my stylization of 2 became so abstracted it alone could act as an identifier. And here I write my name and the date with a single symbol.


a warm hug

